The British Council programme Women in Science, part of Going Global Partnerships, seeks to increase the presence of women in STEM careers, taking a systemic change approach which also promotes gender and social inclusion within the higher education sector in Brazil.

The British Council is looking for a UK-based consultant to support the introduction of a gender equality framework to higher education, science, technology institutions in Brazil, drawing upon successful models in the UK, namely Athena Swan. The consultant will also support 10 higher education, science and technology institutions in Brazil (previously selected by the British Council via the UK - Brazil Gender Equality Partnerships Grants) to develop their Gender Equality Policies.

This pilot project will foster a new ecosystem based on building competencies of Brazilian institutions through ongoing support and engagement, in a mutual learning process between Brazil and the UK.



Date / time

Issue of Contract Notice / availability of ITT documents 24 August 2021
Deadline for clarification questions (Clarification Deadline)  31 August 2021
British Council to respond to clarification questions 2 September 2021
Deadline for submission of ITT responses by potential suppliers (Response Deadline)  24 September 2021 (14:00 UK time)
Award decision standstill letters issued 29 September 2021
Contract concluded with winning supplier 30 September to 8 October 2021
Contract start date 11 October 2021

Registration instructions

To participate in this Invitation to Tender (ITT), please fill out the application form available in this page by 24 September 2021 (14:00 UK time).

To view further information regarding this invitation to tender, please register your e-mail in the application form page.