As part of the UK government’s International Science Partnerships Fund, we are offering grants to researchers in the UK and Brazil to co-organise thematic workshops for early-career researchers from both countries. 

About the Amazonia Brazil-UK Workshop grants 

The Amazonia Brazil-UK Workshop grants are designed to provide financial support to bring together bilateral cohorts of early-career researchers from Brazil and the UK to take part in workshops around core themes related to the Amazonia +10 initiative

Open to lead researchers from universities and research institutions in the UK and Brazil, the grants aim to meet three overarching objectives. 

  • To support international development and relevant research. 
  • To contribute to the capacity building of early career researchers. 
  • To establish new research links or significantly develop existing links, with the potential for longer-term sustainability. 

Potential workshop topics could include, but are not limited to: 

  • biodiversity and climate change 
  • protection of traditional communities 
  • Urban Challenges across the Legal Amazon 
  • bioeconomy to promote a new model of development. 

Who can apply? 

Proposals must include one Principal Applicant in the UK and one Principal Applicant in Brazil. 

Principal Applicants must be Leading Researchers or Established Researchers, as defined by the European Framework for Research Careers

Other eligibility criteria apply. 

Please refer to the Applicant Guidelines document available from the downloads section below for full eligibility criteria. 

Key details 

Proposals are co-designed by Principal Applicants in the UK and Brazil – and submitted by the Principal Application the UK. 

Please see the Applicant Guidelines document in the downloads section for further details. 

  • Size of each grant: up to £53,200 
  • Total fund available for this call: £320,000 
  • Participating countries: UK and Brazil 

Apply using the online application form trough this link: Amazonia BR-UK workshops application form 

About this funding call 

This International Science Partnerships Fund call is delivered by the British Council in association with the Amazonia+10 partners in Brazil. 

It aims to support the research and academic environment through bilateral collaboration between the UK and Brazil, as well as the exchange of knowledge and best practice and the development and implementation of pilot activities to promote capacity strengthening collaboration, shaped by the demands and priorities set under the Amazonia +10 initiative.   

Action Required 

How to apply: complete and submit your application using the online form at this link: Amazonia BR-UK workshops application form 

Application deadline: 7 January 2024 

Further guidance: refer to the documents in the downloads section below. 

 Contact: all queries or comments about this call should be addressed to 


Amazonia BR/UK Workshops
Selected Proposals
Home Institution Host Institution Tittle  To be Delivered in
Imperial College London Foundation of Tropical Medicine DR Heitor Viera Dourado, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil  Bridging Communities and Research for a Healthier Amazon: A Workshop on Infectious Diseases, Climate, and development Amazonas
Ulster University  Federal University of Maranhão  Protection of Tradicional Communities in Maranhão São Luis, Maranhão
Imperial College London National Institute of Amazonian Research  Brazil VERDE: Vitalizing Efforts to Resist Diseases Effectively in Traditional Amazonian Communities  Amazonas
University of Sussex  Universidade Federal do Acre  Collaborative Research for the Protection of Indigenous Territories in the Brazilian Amazon and beyond  Acre
The Manchester Metropolitan University  Universidade Estadualdo Maranháo - UEMA  The role of fungi in supporting the Amazonian bioeconomy  São Luis, Maranhão
University of York  Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará Biobased chemistry for the future bioeconomy Pará
The University of Salford  Federal University of Pará (Universidade Federal do Pará) - UFPA  Global problems, local solutions: developing an integrated framework towards sustainable fisheries and aquaculture  Pará
University of Bristol Universidade Federal do Pará "Integrated Perspectives on Biodiversity and Climate Change: Tackling Environmental and Social Challenges in the Brazilian Amazon" Belém/Pará
University of Exeter Federal University of Acre Biodiversity, conservation, and sustainable land-use in Amazonia, Brazil in an era of forest degradation  Acre 
Manchester Metropolitan University  Instituto Tecnológico Vale (Vale Institute of Technology) Integrating population genomics and landscape ecology to guide Amazonian conservation planning  Belém/Pará