Programa de parceria IELTS

Click on the registration link below to know more

Become an IELTS partner

A partnership that supports and rewards you 

The British Council IELTS Partnership Programme is aimed at recognising the importance of our business partners and to demonstrate our appreciation for their support. Membership offers incentives for recruiting IELTS test takers by promoting IELTS with the British Council.

You will enjoy a range of benefits that will accumulate over the length of your association with us, enabling a long term and mutually beneficial relationship.

There are six levels of membership – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Platinum and Platinum Plus depending on the number of candidates’ members register with the British Council each calendar year.

 What benefits will I receive as a member?

As an IELTS Partnership Programme member at any level of membership, you will receive:

  • Professional support and development opportunities for your trainers
  • Wide range of learning resources for your students
  • Range of support services and resources to help grow your business
  • Certificate from the British Council officially recognising the association
  • Exclusive access to use the following straplines in your marketing communications: 

'IELTS registration centre for the British Council' and 'Member of the British Council IELTS Partnership Programme'.

Contact us:

Click on the registration link below to know more

Become an IELTS partner

Brasília – DF

CNA Idiomas

São Bernardo do Campo - SP