DICE - Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies

DICE - Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies - is British Council's new programme that will support the development of creative and social enterprises in the UK and five key emerging economies: Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, and South Africa.

Aiming to foster inclusive growth and progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), DICE will take an innovative, cross-sectoral approach which draws on UK expertise in the creative and social economies.

DICE will operate at policy, institutional and individual levels. It will be co-designed and co-delivered by UK enterprises and sector support organisations such as impact hubs, accelerators and universities working in partnership with counterparts in these countries.

Through DICE, we will engage with policymakers and key influencers to help participating countries identify systemic barriers and promote legislation, strategies and 

For more information access the global website here. For details about the projects funded by DICE in Brazil, access the Portuguese version of our website.