Exploring the knowledge of Brazil and the United Kingdom in education, the Orbit platform – Educational Pathways- is an initiative of the Oi Futuro Institute and the British Council with the purpose of favoring the professional development of teachers through free training that dialogues with the challenges of our time and the reality of teachers, in addition to supporting paths around the full development of students.
Our principles
With content developed by educators and for educators, effective and continuous professional development is at the heart of the project's approach. The platform recognizes digital culture as a facilitator of experiences that encourage problem solving, the exercise of curiosity and the production of knowledge so that challenges become opportunities and projects become reality.
The Orbit Platform: :
- It strengthens creative, critical and cooperative uses of the multiple languages of digital culture. Our courses support the materialization of pedagogical possibilities linked to the digital culture and the multiliteracies it publicizes, considering the continuous learning of students and the construction of their life projects.
- It prioritizes active methodologies that integrate the curriculum with technology. The continuing education process proposes and consolidates active methodologies and hands-on practices that value the integration of curricular components and areas of knowledge, adopting important tools to equate and solve problems, test, investigate, discover and learn.
- It is aligned with the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) and the Common National Base for the Continuing Training of Basic Education Teachers (BNC - Continuing Training). The courses seek to meet the main demands of teachers related to essential learning, skills and abilities provided by the BNCC in line with the curricular guidelines of the BNC - Continuing Education, bringing together knowledge, practice and professional engagement.
The available courses are:
- Completely free of charge, and include certificates.
- Offered exclusively online and are self-instructed
- 40 hours’ long
- Aligned to the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC)