[This workshop has Sold Out]
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have enabled the development of tools for many purposes, and education is no exception. Many organisations are already using automated essay scoring solutions and plagiarism checkers to expedite the submission and marking of written assignments while many of us have surely used grammar checkers in the past. All these tools use some form of natural language processing (NLP), the subfield of AI that deals with text and speech, but there’s more: automatic speech recognition, summarization, translation, content generation, etc.
This workshop will introduce the audience to the fascinating world of NLP, explore some common tasks and tools and reveal what happens behind the scenes. We will also have practical activities and time to think collectively about how we can make good use of these technologies. We recommend that attendees bring a laptop to make the most of the workshop, but this is not a requirement for participation. The workshop is open to all, from teachers and educators to anyone with a curious mind.