If you cannot find the institution or exam you are looking for on the list below, please contact us at examesgerais@britishcouncil.org.br

Birkbeck - University of London Associate (UOL)


University; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must access University of London's programmes and assessments for the current year. There they will be provided with an Examination Entry Form that needs to be filled out with all exams to be taken. After filling this form, they must contact the British Council at requesting availability to sit the exams at our premises. They will then be granted a validation code to proceed with the registration at the University's system. The University of London grants us a set of validation codes for the following sessions at the beginning of each year. After a code has been used they will no longer be valid. Only based on the number of exams we can provide the actual amount to be paid for administration services. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take it

There are 6 sessions a year: February, March, July, September, October and December. These months covers the extent of a whole session, but each exam date can fall on a month than the one set. E.g.: July session may have dates on the end of June and beginning of August. The schedule is set by the University and we must follow the advised dates.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

Global Agreement Fees.

  • Fee for candidates sitting for 1 or 2 exams in a session: £54 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.
  • Fee for candidates sitting for 3 or more exams (30% discount): £38 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.

For Law students only:

  • 2, 3 or 4 50-minute sub-papers sittings consecutively within the same morning or afternoon will be charged only one full fee (£54). 
  • 2 sub-papers in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, or across 2 days, will be charged £54.00 for each period (2 x 54).
  • 3 or 4 sub-exams across at least 3 different days will be charged as separate sittings but will qualify for the discounted fee per exam (no. of exams x 38).

Extra fee

£75 for each courier dispatch to the institution.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

BPP University


University; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exam at our premises. Once this is received, we send a "confirmation of availability" message and request for the necessary information to proceed with payment arrangements. Candidates must forward this confirmation to the institution, which then contacts us directly to give all instructions for the delivery of the exam. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

Requests are usually made with a pre-set date from the University. We check the possibility of hosting the exam on the requested date.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

£90 for each examination session up to 3 and a half hours per candidate.

Extra fee

£75 for each courier dispatch to the institution.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

Cambridge Admissions Testing


Admissions; paper based exams.

Registration process

Candidates must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exam at our premises Once this is received, we send the registration form available here to request all needed information. The British Council Brazil is an authorized centre for November series (they may fall on October) only. In 2018, registration for general exams opens on September 1st and lasts until October 15th. Registration for BMAT and Test of Mathematics for University Admission opens on September 1st and ends on October 1st, after this period late entry fees applies for registrations until October 15th. Requests for modified papers or access arrangements must be made until September 30th. These dates may be reduced to the candidates for administrative reasons. We will have until those dates to proceed with registration, but candidates will be asked to request and send all information before the deadline to give us time to perform all procedures. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date. BMAT and Test of Mathematics for University Admission takers need to pay before registration.

When can I take

The British Council Brazil is an authorized centre for November series (they may fall on October) only. The exam date changes each year and can be found here by checking the specific requested exam. In 2018, exams will take place on October 31st.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

£90 for each examination session up to 3 and a half hours per candidate.

Extra fee

For BMAT exam:

  • £78 of standard entry fee.
  • £33 of additional late entry fee (if applicable).

The other admissions exams don't request registration fees.

For Test of Mathematics for University Admission exam:

  • £30 of standard entry fee.
  • £21 of additional late entry fee (if applicable).


No courier fees are charged to candidates.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


For some exams we deliver logins for results reference and checking at the end of the exam as instructed by Cambridge. Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. 



School; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exam at our premises. Once this is received, we send a "confirmation of availability" message and request for the necessary information to proceed with payment arrangements. Candidates must forward this confirmation to the institution, which then contacts us directly to give all instructions for the delivery of the exam. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

From Monday to Friday, 9AM to 5PM (for afternoon sessions, the exam duration must not exceed 5PM), except holidays. On the request e-mail, the candidate can already suggest a date. If we can attend to this date, we'll confirm on the "confirmation of availability" message. If the candidate doesn't suggest a date on the initial contact, we offer possible suggestions to be agreed. The schedule must be after at least 3 working days from Exams confirmation and candidate's payment.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

£90 for each examination session up to 3 and a half hours per candidate.

Extra fee

No courier service needed.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

City - University of London Associate (UOL)


University; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must access University of London's programmes and assessments for the current year. There they will be provided with an Examination Entry Form that needs to be filled out with all exams to be taken. After filling this form, they must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exams at our premises. They will then be granted a validation code to proceed with the registration at the University's system. The University of London grants us a set of validation codes for the following sessions at the beginning of each year. After a code has been used they will no longer be valid. Only based on the number of exams we can provide the actual amount to be paid for administration services. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

There are 6 sessions a year: February, March, July, September, October and December. These months covers the extent of a whole session, but each exam date can fall on a month than the one set. E.g.: July session may have dates on the end of June and beginning of August. The schedule is set by the University and we must follow the advised dates.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

Global Agreement Fees.

  • Fee for candidates sitting for 1 or 2 exams in a session: £54 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.
  • Fee for candidates sitting for 3 or more exams (30% discount): £38 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.

For Law students only:

  • 2, 3 or 4 50-minute sub-papers sittings consecutively within the same morning or afternoon will be charged only one full fee (£54). 
  • 2 sub-papers in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, or across 2 days, will be charged £54.00 for each period (2 x 54).
  • 3 or 4 sub-exams across at least 3 different days will be charged as separate sittings but will qualify for the discounted fee per exam (no. of exams x 38).

Extra fee

£75 for each courier dispatch to the institution.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

Courtauld Institute of Art - University of London Associate (UOL)


University; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must access University of London's programmes and assessments for the current year. There they will be provided with an Examination Entry Form that needs to be filled out with all exams to be taken. After filling this form, they must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exams at our premises. They will then be granted a validation code to proceed with the registration at the University's system. The University of London grants us a set of validation codes for the following sessions at the beginning of each year. After a code has been used they will no longer be valid. Only based on the number of exams we can provide the actual amount to be paid for administration services. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

There are 6 sessions a year: February, March, July, September, October and December. These months covers the extent of a whole session, but each exam date can fall on a month than the one set. E.g.: July session may have dates on the end of June and beginning of August. The schedule is set by the University and we must follow the advised dates.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

Global Agreement Fees.

  • Fee for candidates sitting for 1 or 2 exams in a session: £54 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.
  • Fee for candidates sitting for 3 or more exams (30% discount): £38 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.

Extra fee

£75 for each courier dispatch to the institution.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.



School; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exam at our premises. Once this is received, we send a "confirmation of availability" message and request for the necessary information to proceed with payment arrangements. Candidates must forward this confirmation to the institution, which then contacts us directly to give all instructions for the delivery of the exam. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

From Monday to Friday, 9AM to 5PM (for afternoon sessions, the exam duration must not exceed 5PM), except holidays. On the request e-mail, the candidate can already suggest a date. If we can attend to this date, we'll confirm on the "confirmation of availability" message. If the candidate doesn't suggest a date on the initial contact, we offer possible suggestions to be agreed. The schedule must be after at least 3 working days from Exams confirmation and candidate's payment.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

£90 for each examination session up to 3 and a half hours per candidate.

Extra fee

No courier service needed.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

Deakin University


University; paper based exam

Registration process

We don't perform any registration process. Candidates must contact the institution directly for guidance on how to take exams overseas. We are contacted by them regarding our availability for all their dates at the beginning of each year.

When can I take

Dates are set by the institution and we work on their schedule if we have the availability. 

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

£90 for each examination session up to 3 and a half hours per candidate.

Extra fee

£75 for each courier dispatch to the institution.

Payment conditions

Invoice procedures.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

Goldsmiths - University of London Associate (UOL)


University; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must access University of London's programmes and assessments for the current year. There they will be provided with an Examination Entry Form that needs to be filled out with all exams to be taken. After filling this form, they must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exams at our premises. They will then be granted a validation code to proceed with the registration at the University's system. The University of London grants us a set of validation codes for the following sessions at the beginning of each year. After a code has been used they will no longer be valid. Only based on the number of exams we can provide the actual amount to be paid for administration services. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

There are 6 sessions a year: February, March, July, September, October and December. These months covers the extent of a whole session, but each exam date can fall on a month than the one set. E.g.: July session may have dates on the end of June and beginning of August. The schedule is set by the University and we must follow the advised dates.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

Global Agreement Fees:

  • Fee for candidates sitting for 1 or 2 exams in a session: £54 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.
  • Fee for candidates sitting for 3 or more exams (30% discount): £38 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.

Extra fee

£75 for each courier dispatch to the institution.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

Heriot-Watt University


University; paper based exam.

Registration process

We don't perform any registration process. Candidates must contact the institution directly for guidance on how to take exams overseas. We are then contacted by the them regarding our availability.

When can I take

Dates are set by the institution and we work on their schedule if we have the availability. 

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

£90 for each examination session up to 3 and a half hours per candidate.

Extra fee

Courier is pre-paid by the institution.

Payment conditions

Invoice procedures.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

Heythrop College - University of London Associate (UOL)


University; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must access University of London's programmes and assessments for the current year. There they will be provided with an Examination Entry Form that needs to be filled out with all exams to be taken. After filling this form, they must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exams at our premises. They will then be granted a validation code to proceed with the registration at the University's system. The University of London grants us a set of validation codes for the following sessions at the beginning of each year. After a code has been used they will no longer be valid. Only based on the number of exams we can provide the actual amount to be paid for administration services. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

There are 6 sessions a year: February, March, July, September, October and December. These months covers the extent of a whole session, but each exam date can fall on a month than the one set. E.g.: July session may have dates on the end of June and beginning of August. The schedule is set by the University and we must follow the advised dates.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

Global Agreement Fees:

  • Fee for candidates sitting for 1 or 2 exams in a session: £54 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.
  • Fee for candidates sitting for 3 or more exams (30% discount): £38 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.

Extra fee

£75 for each courier dispatch to the institution.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

Imperial College


University; paper based exam.

Registration process

We don't perform any registration process. Candidates must contact the University directly for guidance on how to take exams overseas. We are then contacted by the University regarding our availability. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date. This college has an agreement with the University of London but since it is not an associate global agreement fees don't apply.

When can I take

Dates are set by the institution and we work on their schedule if we have the availability. 

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

£90 for each examination session up to 3 and a half hours per candidate.

Extra fee

Courier is pre-paid by the institution.

Payment conditions

Invoice procedures.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

Kent College


School; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exam at our premises. Once this is received, we send a "confirmation of availability" message and request for the necessary information to proceed with payment arrangements. Candidates must forward this confirmation to the institution, which then contacts us directly to give all instructions for the delivery of the exam. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

From Monday to Friday, 9AM to 5PM (for afternoon sessions, the exam duration must not exceed 5PM), except holidays. On the request e-mail, the candidate can already suggest a date. If we can attend to this date, we'll confirm on the "confirmation of availability" message. If the candidate doesn't suggest a date on the initial contact, we offer possible suggestions to be agreed. The schedule must be after at least 3 working days from Exams confirmation and candidate's payment.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

£90 for each examination session up to 3 and a half hours per candidate.

Extra fee

No courier service needed.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

King's College - University of London Associate (UOL)


University; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must access University of London's programmes and assessments for the current year. There they will be provided with an Examination Entry Form that needs to be filled out with all exams to be taken. After filling this form, they must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exams at our premises. They will then be granted a validation code to proceed with the registration at the University's system. The University of London grants us a set of validation codes for the following sessions at the beginning of each year. After a code has been used they will no longer be valid. Only based on the number of exams we can provide the actual amount to be paid for administration services. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

There are 6 sessions a year: February, March, July, September, October and December. These months covers the extent of a whole session, but each exam date can fall on a month than the one set. E.g.: July session may have dates on the end of June and beginning of August. The schedule is set by the University and we must follow the advised dates.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

Global Agreement Fees:

  • Fee for candidates sitting for 1 or 2 exams in a session: £54 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.
  • Fee for candidates sitting for 3 or more exams (30% discount): £38 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.

For Law students only:

  • 2, 3 or 4 50-minute sub-papers sittings consecutively within the same morning or afternoon will be charged only one full fee (£54). 
  • 2 sub-papers in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, or across 2 days, will be charged £54.00 for each period (2 x 54).
  • 3 or 4 sub-exams across at least 3 different days will be charged as separate sittings but will qualify for the discounted fee per exam (no. of exams x 38).

Extra fee

£75 for each courier dispatch to the institution.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

Lancaster University


University; paper based exam

Registration process

We don't perform any registration process. Candidates must contact the University directly for guidance on how to take exams overseas. We are then contacted by the University regarding our availability. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

Dates are set by the institution and we work on their schedule if we have the availability. 

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

£90 for each examination session up to 3 and a half hours per candidate.

Extra fee

£75 for each courier dispatch to the institution.

Payment conditions

Invoice procedures.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

London Business School - University of London Associate (UOL)


University; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must access University of London's programmes and assessments for the current year. There they will be provided with an Examination Entry Form that needs to be filled out with all exams to be taken. After filling this form, they must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exams at our premises. They will then be granted a validation code to proceed with the registration at the University's system. The University of London grants us a set of validation codes for the following sessions at the beginning of each year. After a code has been used they will no longer be valid. Only based on the number of exams we can provide the actual amount to be paid for administration services. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

There are 6 sessions a year: February, March, July, September, October and December. These months covers the extent of a whole session, but each exam date can fall on a month than the one set. E.g.: July session may have dates on the end of June and beginning of August. The schedule is set by the University and we must follow the advised dates.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

Global Agreement Fees:

  • Fee for candidates sitting for 1 or 2 exams in a session: £54 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.
  • Fee for candidates sitting for 3 or more exams (30% discount): £38 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.

Extra fee

£75 for each courier dispatch to the institution.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

London School of Economics and Political Science - University of London Associate (UOL)


University; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must access University of London's programmes and assessments for the current year. There they will be provided with an Examination Entry Form that needs to be filled out with all exams to be taken. After filling this form, they must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exams at our premises. They will then be granted a validation code to proceed with the registration at the University's system. The University of London grants us a set of validation codes for the following sessions at the beginning of each year. After a code has been used they will no longer be valid. Only based on the number of exams we can provide the actual amount to be paid for administration services. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

There are 6 sessions a year: February, March, July, September, October and December. These months covers the extent of a whole session, but each exam date can fall on a month than the one set. E.g.: July session may have dates on the end of June and beginning of August. The schedule is set by the University and we must follow the advised dates.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

Global Agreement Fees:

  • Fee for candidates sitting for 1 or 2 exams in a session: £54 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.
  • Fee for candidates sitting for 3 or more exams (30% discount): £38 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.

Extra fee

£75 for each courier dispatch to the institution.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine - University of London Associate (UOL)


University; paper based exam.

Registration process

Candidates must access University of London's programmes and assessments for the current year. There they will be provided with an Examination Entry Form that needs to be filled out with all exams to be taken. After filling this form, they must contact the British Council requesting availability to sit the exams at our premises. They will then be granted a validation code to proceed with the registration at the University's system. The University of London grants us a set of validation codes for the following sessions at the beginning of each year. After a code has been used they will no longer be valid. Only based on the number of exams we can provide the actual amount to be paid for administration services. Candidates will receive a barcoded document that must be paid before the agreed exam date.

When can I take

There are 6 sessions a year: February, March, July, September, October and December. These months covers the extent of a whole session, but each exam date can fall on a month than the one set. E.g.: July session may have dates on the end of June and beginning of August. The schedule is set by the University and we must follow the advised dates.

Who is in charge of payment


Exam fee

Global Agreement Fees:

  • Fee for candidates sitting for 1 or 2 exams in a session: £54 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.
  • Fee for candidates sitting for 3 or more exams (30% discount): £38 for each examination sitting up to 3 and a half hours.

Extra fee

£75 for each courier dispatch to the institution.

Payment conditions

Barcoded document with total converted amount in BRL. The exchange rate used is from the month of the request and is advised globally by the British Council.


Results queries must be sent directly to the institution. We only administer the delivery of the exam.

See also