Taking into account the importance of reading skills in students’ educational life, this workshop aims at giving participants the opportunity to improve their ability to design constructed-response (open-ended) items for classroom assessments. The first part of the workshop will present an overview of reading processes, micro and macro skills, strategies for reading, and criteria to select texts for classroom assessment. In addition, it will also show the three types of constructed-response items: fill-in-the-blanks, short answers and longer answers, their constituent parts and correction modes – answer key, scoring guides or rubrics. In the second part of the workshop, participants will be invited to design constructed-response items and define correction modes based on proposed texts.
Dr Gladys Quevedo-Camargo
Associate professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation, University of Brasília, Brazil
Gladys Quevedo-Camargo holds a PhD in Language Studies and is an associate professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation, University of Brasília, Brazil. She is a co-founder and board member of LAALTA – Latin American Association for Language Testing and Assessment and a member of ILTA – International Language Testing Association and BrazTesol Assessment Special Interest Group.