The below instructions are only valid in case you have taken the IELTS exam in Brazil. For other countries, please contact the corresponding test centre.

If you are dissatisfied with the results of your test, you may submit an Enquiry on Results form to have your scores reviewed within a deadline of 6 (six) weeks after your test date. This is also the deadline to send us all the necessary documentation (filled form and proof of payment of the service fee).

How to request the Enquiry on Results for IELTS?

You can request an Enquiry of Results for your IELTS on Computer, IELTS on Paper, and IELTS for UKVI on Computer tests directly through your Test Taker Portal.

Once you are logged on the platform, go to the "Completed Exams" area and click on the date of the exam you want a grade review for. In the "results" tab, scroll down until you find the hyperlink "I would like my test to be rescheduled". Once you click on it, simply follow the guidelines that appear on the screen.

If you have taken an IELTS for UKVI on Paper or IELTS for UKVI Life Skills test and would like to apply for an Enquiry on Results, please fill the form below, available in the "downloads" section according to your type of test. Once the form is filled out, please send it to

For exams such as IELTS for UKVI or IELTS for UKVI Life Skills, fill in the form below and send it to

It is possible to choose one or more parts of the exam to be re-evaluated.

Your test will be forwarded directly to the UK, where it will undergo further correction by a senior examiner.

If your IELTS took place in the cities of Belém, Belo Horizonte, Boa Vista, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Londrina, Manaus and Porto Alegre, the procedure is the same, but you will need to contact the place where you took your test directly.

In the e-mail body, please also inform us:

  • your full name;
  • IELTS Reference number (BR051-000000-0000 ou S-BR051-00000-00000);
  • test details (date and venue);
  • test module (Academic or General Training);
  • CPF number;
  • your complete address.

Once you have sent us the form and the information above, please wait to receive further instructions via e-mail. If the test taker’s scores change as a result of the enquiry on results process, the test taker will be required to return their TRF before a new one is issued.

The Enquiry of Results fee is R$ 624,75 (Brazilian Reais). Payment is made via the Test Taker Portal for the IELTS Academic and General Training exam and via bank slip (boleto bancário) for the IELTS for UKVI and IELTS for UKVI Life Skills exams. The fee will be refunded if your score is increased for any section of the test.

Guidelines for filling out the Enquiry on Results Form

  • Centre Name: British Council São Paulo (regardless of the city where your exam took place)

  • Centre Number: BR051;

  • If you took the IELTS exam in Belém, Belo Horizonte, Boa Vista, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Londrina, Manaus and Porto Alegre, you need to use the following centre numbers: 

Curitiba, Londrina e Florianópolis (BR111);
Belo Horizonte (BR109);
Bélem, Boa Vista e Manaus (BR343);
Porto Alegre (BR175).

  • Address: remember to inform your full address, CEP included; 
  • Submit both pages of the document (page 2 is for internal use only);
  • Submit only .pdf forms

The outcome of Enquiry of Results (EORs) can become available on the same day as your application and up to 21 days after your application. The time it takes depends on several factors, including the number of sections you’ve asked us to re-mark. If you have not received a response after 21 days, please contact your test centre.